95 INR
This is a GI Product of Kerala . Order Online - NatureLoC - Red Rice - Kerala Nadan Kuthari (നാടൻ കുത്തരി) / Matta Rice - Buy Online Matta rice is unique rice variety grown indigenously in Kerala, especially in Palakkad region. This traditionally popular rice is also called by various names like Rosematta rice, Palakkadan Matta rice, Kerala Red rice or Red parboiled rice. The unique earthy flavour of Matta rice makes it taste well with meat dishes as well as vegetable recipes. Sambar being another indigenous South Indian recipe combines well with this rice. Matta rice is usually eaten unhulled or partially hulled and has a red husk. It has a nutty flavour. Compared to polished rice, it has a higher nutritional value. Matta rice is often known as red rice or brown rice due to the presence of dark coloured rice husk. Matta rice comes in two varieties, rice with the husk and the one with very less husk or removed husk. Each of the above variants differs in tastes as the presence of husk determines the way these rice tastes.